Friday, January 15, 2010


I received an instant message from a niece of mine this evening. She meant to ask me, "How are you doing?", but instead, what she asked me was, "How are you being?"

I liked the "being" question better.

How am I being? I am being busy.

I am being troubled by Haiti.

I am being prayerful throughout the day (truly "coming what may and loving it).

I am being loved by my grandchildren....and my children. That is so nourishing, I can't begin to tell you. I am being loved by my siblings and my mother and my in-laws...and that is nourishing as all get out as well.

I am being made to laugh by funny friends and blogs.

I am being educated daily and I am so grateful (tho burnt out) by all that it does for me, I am speechless...yea, I know YOU don't believe that, but I am.

I am being sad because I miss people who aren't here. I wear my step-dad's coat and it warms many ways. And I being reminded of him and what he taught me about approaching life's challenges while smiling...and being kind...and getting wisdom. He was the closest I ever got to a guru.

I am being a single parent when my children are facing adversity and perhaps need both of their parents here...on the earth. They, on the other hand, are being funny/obedient/ faithful, and an example to me.

I am being surrounded by angels and love. And I am being grateful.

I am so busy with being, I can't NOT be being.

How are you being?


Emmy said...

I am being in love with you.

Jette said...

I'm being blessed to have you as my mother. xoxoxo

The Katzbox said...

awwww...I am being moved by your responses....I love my girls....