Saturday, May 24, 2008

Guess who cut her own hair?

I did...I'm interested in seeing where my authentic white hair is and where my authentic silver is so I cut it off in the bathroom last night...,we shall soon see. When the real stuff starts to grow in, I'll have it cut back and the games will begin. It would be interesting to see how long it would be and what colors it would have by the time I was done with the degree and everything. So, that's that. me out

P.S. For those who care, when Peter came home, my hair was "normal". After my shower, it was short. He didn't notice for a couple of hours and then he said, "Did you cut your hair or something?"....yea...


Jette said...

I love it!!!

Emmy said...

Me TOO! Cute, mom!

Emmy said...

i added more pictures to my slide show. LOVE!

Emmy said...

Mom, you are required to update your blog daily. . .did you not know this? Get on it! Miss you!