Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Broccoli...World's meanest vegetable...the satan of the garden....the broccoli beguiled me....and boy, did I....oh well....

Today is beautiful outside. I wouldn't know too much about it as I've been on a very short leash...very close to the toidy...big dinner last night with big bowls of steamed brocolli with cheese sprinkled over it...such a pretty green color that beckons to the diner..."come, partake, ignore that feeling of fullness, that's just your common sense, you've never listened to it before, why start now?....come, let us go over here and watch some Steven Cobert together...that's nice isn't it....oh!, get that cheese crumble..hmmmmm, aren't we having fun?"

Stupid brocolli.


Jette said...

you are to cute. I love broccoli too. Stupid broccoli. lol

Emmy said...

Hmmm. . .I have taken out dairy, eggs and wheat from diet. You know what that leaves me? Broccoli.