Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Instead of Emmy and the kids coming over Thursday, I get to go to her house in Temecula...she is in need of a mom...HURRAY!!!!...I just LOVE that stuff!!!

The little Asian girl got voted off of Idol...I called that but it should have happened sooner.

Went to the Redlands Temple today with some friends from Church...then to lunch at a really cute little cafe/bakery...and they sold Snickerdoodles...oh yea...

Barack is wooing blue collar voters in Pennsylvania...really?...Please let the blue collar workers of today not be like the ones I knew in the 60's...back then those blue collars often covered red necks...please let me be wrong on this...

"ELIZABETH THE GOLDEN AGE" will be arriving tomorrow from Netflix...ohmygosh....

I am getting larger and larger...but not "in charger in charger"....If I have to gain weight, I had better start rhyming.

Received a flyer for books...REALLY?...for moi?....hmmmmmm, lets take a look at a few of them shall we?...Let's see, well, Gregg Bradden has a new one out...I have a couple of his books...maybe 3...this one is "THE SPONTANEOUS HEALING OF BELIEF: Shattering the paradigm of false limits"...yes, this one sounds right up my alley but since we're on a spending freeze, all I can do is watch from afar...and check used books online because I have no pride or self control...hmmmm, what's next?...Oh! this one is from an MD with psychic experiences called, "THE SCALPEL AND THE SOUL"....oh la la....that's another interesting title that will NOT be on my shelves...We have, "THE ORB PROJECT"...What was that?...something about little photo friends?...okay, that one may end up here..we'll see.....there's one by the Ghost Whisperer called "WHEN GHOSTS SPEAK"...huh uh....oh, here's one from one of the lecturers in The Secret, Mike Dooley...he was pretty's called, "NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE: New Perspectives From an Old Friend"....interesting...and this one looks good also, "MOZART'S GHOST"...about a professional medium and a pianist who practices's a romantic comedy...Oh! and a really cute one by Dr. Nick Trout, a vet, called "TELL ME WHERE IT HURTS"...about pets...okay, that's it...nothing more to look at...break it out.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Computador, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

The Katzbox said...

Interestingly, I followed the computador link and all I found were ads for profile...yikes!

Emmy said...

moo - you can delete that entry when you are signed in. Oh, and I love this entry - made me want to read one of your voodoo books. :)