Wednesday, November 24, 2010


One year ago my youngest daughter survived a hideous car accident. She is a walking miracle. She was in a turn lane waiting to turn left and a young man in a car behind her was reaching for his phone, going 70 mph, and hit her from behind. She had to be removed from her car with the jaws of life. She fractured bones in her neck, her rib, and had dozens of staples in her pretty blond hair.

As it turns out, much to the surprise of all, she was pregnant at the time. She and her husband didn't know this. No one knew this! So she couldn't take pain medication. Because of her great faith, she has made a full recovery. Her baby is gorgeous. It's tough not to love a chubby, laughing red-headed newborn.

But perhaps the greatest miracle of all is the fact that this woman spends so much time being grateful for her blessings, she has no time for anger or resentment. The young man had no insurance and no money. He never even apologized. She doesn't care. She has no ill will. I think that's why she is so healthy today. Nothing in her body stores guile or bitterness.

All gratitude. All love. All forgiveness. No "woe is me"...ever.


Daisy said...

WOW!!! So much for you and your family to be thankful for.

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

The Katzbox said...

Thanks, Daisy. We did. It was quiet. How was yours?

Emmy said...

thanks, moo. love you.

Daisy said...

I spent Thanksgiving with my husband's family. They are not so quiet. But I was thankful I was with him.

jojo said...

You must have done something right raising her! Well done!

The Katzbox said...

Daisy, nice that you recognized you were thankful for Him! GOOD CALL.

JoJo-I really didn't do anything with Em. She kinda sorta came like that. But're sweet.