What would the television show be like if I was on "The Real Housewives of Your City"? I would venture to say that it would be one of the most boring OR funniest shows on the air. For sure, it would NOT be drama. No drama. NO DRAMA ZONE. My mother and I are watching (excuse me, we're "addicted") to The Real Housewives of Atlanta". At first, I was "ewwww, let me just slap someone, puhleese"....but then, I got attached-but only to a couple of them. Most of them are irritating as all get out; whiney, clueless, loud, and that's my mother and I when we're watching them...ZING!
No, I enjoy watching Kim and Kandi. They're a blast. They're authentic in their own way and I enjoy watching them. But if I was being followed 24/7 by lights and cameras, would I wear false eyelashes and 6 inch heels every day? Would I wear tight skirts and render loud opinions on virtually everyone around me? Mmmmm....yikes...
Let me tell you what you could COUNT on. The first time I run into someone with 16 items in that express lane that says "15 items or less"?...yea...there would be some serious drama there...
Stay tuned....

When you look at me that way (top pic) I can't/I'm afraid to move. For some reason a song of 'Hall and Oates' comes to mind...
Who are the two women in the pic? Are they on that Atlanta Show??
I think I know the song....
Anyway, yes, those are the two women from the show that I thoroughly enjoy. They are my guilty pleasure. The one on the left is Kandi. She's a music producer and business woman and the one on the left is Kim. She's just Kim. They're hysterical.
I have watched the show a few times and I got the slap urge myself. Kim annoys me, big daddy and all that crap.
JoJo, I think ALL of the other women have issues with the Big Daddy thing. He's gone now. She's now involved with one of the linemen from the Atlanta football team. Kroy someone. In fact, she's pregnant. This should prove interesting....
I laughed when I read how you and your mom are "addicted" to the show! From what I'm told, it's not hard to do. I have yet to find it on tv, but I'm better off to stay far away from it. I'm already addicted to Sister Wives, and yes, I was embarrassed to write that.
By the way, I have to tell you, I read your comment to Blasé the other day when he was on his little rant about bloggers and women versus men in the workplace, and talking vaginas, and your reply was so very intelligent. Clearly you are extremely intelligent. I do enjoy his blog and he is funny, but I must admit, I adored what you had to say. Kuddos!
And yes, I came here to check out your picture since he described you as suckalicious...he's right. :)
Deborah! I'm addicted to ALL of the housewives much to my hubbins chagrin. He has no housewife-love.
I am (in my head) writing a Housewives of Hennepin County script, but I don't think I'll get any backing. Who even heard of Hennepin county hmm?
I agree with Sandra, but I already told you that. {smooches}
I am loving this love!!!
I started with the New Jersey crew. Fell in love within the first three minutes. I believe that Housewifes of Columbus would be fabulous!!
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