Saturday, February 28, 2009


Well, this is it! I'm going to try to stick with this. It has stuff I already have (for the most part) so that helps save money on the grocery bill. Every Monday is $5.00 pizza night, so that's easy. Wednesdays have to be quick, cheap and easy because that's Young Men's and the boy is outta here at 7:00 so I have to be able to have food "shovel-ready" as he goes out the door. Every Saturday is EMFH, which is "every man for himself" and that's definitely easy. I used the sites referenced on my daughter-in-law's blog and on her mother's blog as, you gotta love family!!!...and my daughter is jazzed about doing this as I'm actually pretty pumped about the whole thing. I'll return here April 1st and give a report on how it went...if we stayed on track...if it helped more than hurt...if the boys fell down and worshipped the ground I walked know, the usual....


Anonymous said...

i'm thinkin' of changing my sign to EAT AT DEBS

The Katzbox said...

Can you bring that cute bouncy oven with you?...cause then I think we're in bizness... ;)

The Katzbox said...

I just noticed that I have meatloaf scheduled for the 5th and the 10th...I'll have to make one of them a chicken loaf or vegetarian dish...or something....I'll think of it later...any suggestions, let me know...

The Katzbox said...

I did my grocery shopping for the week and it came to $55.74 and I purchased things that I didn't actually need just for that's good....