Thursday, October 18, 2007


We've just been through several days of wind and sand...the nights are the worst. We live in one of the windiest spots on the globe, hence the acres and acres of windmills (called wind farms). Winds can gust up to 60 mph when you go on certain parts of the I-10 and your car takes a pounding but it's all in a day's work here. I freak out but I'm in the minority.

Sometimes, when returning from Joshua Tree National Forest, as we travel through a particular mountain pass, actually right over the St. Andreas fault, the winds blow so hard, my arms aren't strong enough to control the car and I break into a panic attack. I don't know why I'm always the one driving at that point. I have to wake Peter up and ask him to take control of the vehicle so our lives will be spared another day, which he calmly does with his Popeye forearms.....whatev.

Anyway, it's not that wind just blows...that would be's the dust and other particles it carries. Everyone around here has a mucousy, snuffly, central facial region, making us the least attractive paradise on earth...oh sure, the weather is the people are coughing and hacking and everything is covered in a fine layer of dust and sand...I can't even imagine what our lungs look like.

That being said, I booked a flight to C-bus, Ohio, for October 27th (?)'s a Friday anyway. I will be arriving at approximately 7:00 P.M. on the Skybus out of San Diego, unless the powers that be tell me different. Itineraries have been emailed...

Now, time to sweep out my car...


The Katzbox said...

Before I get a post, let me clear up the fact that the pic of the sand storm is of Israel...not MY personal desert; however, our deserts are virtually identical to the Middle East and that's why our Marines and other soldiers train in our vicinity for the war...sad but true.

Emmy said...

I will miss you when you go to Ohio. . .how long will you be gone? See you tomorrow! yayyy!!!

Jette said...

WOW!!! Sorry Nym I've got her at least a little while. Don't worry she'll still have her can still phone stalk her. lol

Can't believe the wind, it's amazing. I can't believe the power of Mother Earth. It opens my eyes every time. Be safe!!

The Katzbox said...

Girls...don't make me separate you...oh wait...

Emmy said...

Ummm . . for the record, I don't STALK her! I. . I . .well. . ya. I stalk her. But, she loves it, Right moo? Right?

The Katzbox said...

I live to be stalked by my baby girl...definitely!!!!

Jette said...

Laughing to hard to come up with something. Ya'll make my day!!


Diane said...

i love me some bowman girls.