Although this is the LA skyline, this is the color of the sky creeping over the mountain I drive over to get to Em's house...it's headed right this way. The air quality is horrible already...not as bad as poor Em's got but it's increasing as I write this. The sky was normal this morning when I walked the boys about 11:30 but by the time I picked up little Eli at 3:15, it was already turning the color of rust.
I stepped away from the blog for a bit...it's now 5:07 and the sun is filtering through the haze. It's a huge bright orange orb, actually quite pretty, the upside of the fires, but it's creepy nonetheless.
I changed my plans for Ohio to arrive Monday instead of tomorrow because of the fires and difficulty getting to the San Diego Airport. We'll see. Emmy is keeping us up to date with photos, etc. Okay, back to sky watching...me out
As in, what's happening as we speak, what's going on now, woman on the street, reporter, journal entry, "dear diary", picture this, "as I see it",....
MOTHER! Answer the question! What is happening. . .last we heard you were being approached by a big ball of fire. . .care to enlighten?
OH!!! I thought you were being sarcastic and asking what an update was...hahahahahahah...like Mae explaining to me what a favor is...hahahahahahahahah hahaahhahahaahah ...ball of fire?
Oh..well, I can no longer see your mountain...the air quality is hideous, phone service is hideous but I don't if that's from the fire or what...servers are tripping out because they're trying to reconnect people in SoCal who lost service, I was down for several hours today...sorry.
From a local radio site: Over 700 Firefighters are working to contain a brush fire burning in northern Palm Springs that started Friday evening.
The fire has consumed over 4,980 acres burning in the Blaisdell Canyon area just south of Windy Point.
Fire officials say a campfire in the canyon was the cause of the brushfire.
The Palm Springs Tramway has shut down as a precaution.
Fire crews are using water dropping helicopters and planes, along with hand crews to attack the fire.
The fire is burning on a steep hillside, which is making it tough for ground crews to access the fire
Eli and I wondered what the helicopters and planes were for...we didn't know about the fire yet, we just knew we couldn't breath right, but it makes sense that they were hauling water...and as the crow flies, the is drectly across from, west to east and maybe a little north so those winds will just ring my chimes until they decide to shift.
sorry about the misinformation...update indeed....so funny Em...so funny...
Oh...I'm embarrassed...the above information is from an older site...that is NOT current info...fire gone...GONE...sorry.
However, it is incredibly smoky and I cannot see the mountains at all...and I live in a valley surrounded by mountains so that no bueno. The air quality is always bad, because I live in a valley to start with but with the smoke and ash settling, it's even worse. So, we'll wait for a good wind from the East and breathe easier...end of story.
deb....perhaps cutting back a bit on the wacky weed is in order?
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