Southern California is on fire...and not in the good way...so prayers would be appreciated. Many homes and businesses have been lost and we can only guess at the hopes and dreams that have taken a hit from this.
The fires and smoke and ash are too close to Emily and her family and friends while I type these words. I just got off the phone with her. I'm going to ready my home (as ready as my dusty old house with the two dogs and two guys I live with can be) for her and her sweet family to come to, as well as any friends they bring. The frustration level heightens as time flies by because roads OUT of their location are closing down due to the fire-containment and safety issues. The back way is still open. By "back way" I'm referring to my personal favorite way of going over the mountains, through the mountain meadows, and from Em's persective gradually descending in altitude and watching the delightful change, not only in scenery but in vegetation until you get to my valley, which is cacti and huge rocks...hence, the relative safety from fire. On the map, from Em's house it would be the 79 South, to the 371 to the 74 which turns into Montery and goes virtually directly to my door...how convenient. I'll leave the light on...there's no trail of smoke to follow to my place kid.
I can't believe how close Nym really is. I can't believe that YOU are that close to the fires. Be safe both of you. I love you with all my heart and soul!!
i will be saying prayers for all of you. i love you. wish i were closer to open my doors, too.
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