Monday, October 1, 2007


Well, a loverly week was spent in O-H...I-O, (yea, that's an Ohio State thang). The weather was celestial, the leaves were just beginning to turn and of course, God was vacationing there while we were there...He has a slightly pricier zip code...but I digress.

One night, I had all four grandkids at my mother's home. Actually, her house is connected to my sister's larger one and the backyard is beautiful with lots of plants and statuary and fun things...and by FOUR grandkids, I'm actually talking about THREE because Clarkie is only 4 months old and didn't really avail himself of the opportunity at hand...whatev....

Anyway, I told the kids (and Emily was so delightfully on board with this...she is such a big kid herself) that there had been recent fairy sightings in Worthington. We were going to do this at Abby and Eli Bowman's house is downtown Worthington but it didn't work out. Anyway... There had been a band of flower fairies and a band of mischievious "pirate fairies"...yea, I know....but still, the spell was cast. Eric, my oldest son, jumped on the wagon and said he had seen glitter throughout the back yard the night before and had wondered himself if the fairies had made a run through. Emily confirmed that she had also heard rumors.

Well, I told them that sometimes the fairies leave treasures that can only be found by really lucky children....and I felt relatively certain that these particular fairies had left somethings behind and if we were lucky enough, we could find some evidence of fairy treasure.

Oh my gosh....well, the goofy grandkid alert sounded and all hands were on board. We all trudged next door to ask "Aunt Duck", my sister, for permission to search her flower and vegetable garden for fairy treasure...this is part of the excitement...she said, "Of course" and also backed up the fairy sighting rumors...Man, can this family pour it on or what???

We all fell over each other to get outside: Those in attendance were Alex (10), Emma Jane (9), Mae (3, going on 30), Emmy (29 going on 9), Bubby (26) and me (eternally 10). We searched everywhere and sure enough, Emma found a treasure, Mae also found a treasure (these were left by the flower fairies) and Alex found the treasure chest (so cool, I want one so bad), left by the pirate fairies (yea, I know, I know) complete with pirate pearls, fairy stones, gold and silver coins, silk leaves and other way cool stuff.

A great time was had by all. Em is going to post pics, which I will most likely steal from her blog and post to mine...

What I found the most interesting of all of this was, when Alex found his pirate fairy treasure and picked it up, I found a mad cool marble beside his chest...I love cool marbles...I did NOT put it there...synchronous...or a gift from the fairies...either way, it's in my hot little hands now....and a big THANK YOU to the marble giver.

Love to all, further Ohio posts out.


Diane said...

ok.....just about the coolest thing EVER!!! I'm stealing this idea and putting it in my "grandma bag of tricks". (also might steal it for my "book")

frizzlefry said...

I'm stealing it and sticking it in my "mommy" bag of tricks! I might not get to use it until I'm a granny, but I'm going to keep it in my brain just in case! :)

The Katzbox said...

Ahhhh yes....and this is how the fun spreads...mischevious mommies and g-moms networking and swapping ideas...let the games begin!!!!!

Jette said...

Thank you for being such a great grandma!! You are totally wonderful in all your glory. I love you.