I have many things to always be grateful for, but today I was sitting in Church, in the women's class (Relief Society), and we were singing. I realized how much I love to hear the alto portion of our hymns when women's voices are singing. I can only croak and I can't sing any sort of harmony. I get distracted and end up all over the place. I guess it truly is a "joyful noise to the Lord". But today I was surrounded by good women with terrific alto voices and they sounded delightful as they blended with the melody. It opened me up to the spirit of the song. I am grateful to their sweet voices and sweeter spirits.
That's just one of the things I'm grateful for today.
debbie, what a sweet post! i was like, awwwwwww.....
i was listening to the local catholic radio station the other day and a caller asked if it's ok if she doesn't sing in church because she doesn't have a good voice. the answer was: make a JOYFUL noise. joyful doesn't have to equal singing.
i like you, deb. you make joyful noises all the time, just by being you.
Wow. Thanks Nancy. Yea, I'm pleased to know that joyful=joyful and nothing else....
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