But I think "snail mail" is a part of Americana that we need to keep going. My little dog follows me, and promptly marks his territory along the way. "Gee, good thing you're doing THAT little fella...the whole 12 pounds of you...wouldn't want that poodle down the street to get any ideas about moving in on your territory....these are YOUR palm trees! Who does Fluffy think SHE is anyway!"....but I digress...
We need to come up with a national campaign to promote letter writing! When all else fails, and it has, we need to resort to the old standby...GUILT. Let's come up with some campaign mottos/propaganda to be put on billboards around the country to motivate people to write to their friends and family. For the price of a stamp, which is up to $847.00, they can brighten someone's day and keep our American Way of Life going....Here are some starters...
"Write Your Mother" should become a national motto.... Or maybe this:
"What! You're too busy to write?"
"Oh, look who'd rather play a video game than write a loved one"
"The 11th Commandment: Write, already. They're family!"
"Writing a letter. It's good for the soul AND you're back in the will!"
"MAKE them walk to the mailbox, serves 'em right!"
Yea, well I'm relatively certain we won't see any of those on any billboards and I don't exactly LOVE all of the junk mail I get. In fact, when I get the annoying credit card solicitations or anything that has a postage-paid return envelope included (which is fewer and fewer these days), I cut up my other junk mail and stuff it in the postage-paid envelope and MAIL IT BACK TO THEM...they actually pay for their own stuff to be returned to them-confetti style...
How's THAT for keeping the tradition going?...heheheh

I'm all on board for this campaign. I love getting and sending hand written letters. A lot. I should do it more often. I have a large drawer full of lovely stationary that is not fulfilling the measure of its creation.
@ Rachel: I read in one of my weird energy books, that there is a portion of the writer's personal energy that is present in their writings, a residual piece of their essence, and that is why after someone is gone or away from you, there is such a strong attachment to their letters/cards/etc. I have personally found this to be true. Perhaps one has to be a bit sensitive to "pick up" on that energy, but I personally hold on to letters from loved ones long past gone. I would hope that my letters or cards would hold my energy for anyone sensitive enough to sense it in the future. I think once I'm moved and settled, I find some pretty stationary and rededicate myself to writing to a wider audience, instead of just my mom and brudder and uncle...
i love the one about being back in the will! too funny!
here's my entry: Deer Mom, u wood git a ltr frum me but they dumd down my ejjakayshun.
@ennbee: fon wit foniks
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