Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Okay, we weren't being protected...they're our friends but it's so fun because of the great stories. He's been in the Service for several years now and is being transferred back east so we had dinner last night at Macaroni's Grill because Big Mama's is closed on Mondays and Tuesday for the summer...can't blame them...it's hot hot hot. Annyyywwaayyy, our beautiful friends are moving but it got us going on how to get property in Maine so we could experience the four seasons again and be close to them and our other family members and be away from California craziness (except for Emmy and her family who is an oasis of sanity in a desert of crazy). Anyway, gotta run...more later....LOVE


Diane said...

Ahhhh yes.....the Four Seasons...."Bi-ig Girls Don't Cry-yi yi....they don't cry"
Although I'd have pegged you more the marvin gaye or temptations type girl.
anyway...it would be cool to have you in the east again!!
And there have been times, my friend, and you know it, where the Secret Service would not have been a bad idea. ;)

Emmy said...

WHAT!? You need to give Temecula a try before you do anything drastic! You are permitted to have a B&B, though, in Maine! I would surely approve that. But, a permanent move. . . not so much. Sorry about the restaurant - I know you were looking forward to some good ol' heart pluggin' food. LOVE!