Thursday, July 12, 2007

FUNNY NEW SITE: check it out...

This guy is really funny and talented. His name is Terry and he lives in Indianapolis. Well, you can check out his profile. He does crazy talented things with wires and inanimate objects, creating crazy art with attitude. I'd like to do it myself but I'd be covered with bandages and cussing out things about my house.

My husband and I went to the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago and he got me a beautiful piece of oak for a walking stick. I have a drimmel set (a drill with over 200 bits and accessories, again courtesy of Peter) so I'm going to make a groovy walking stick with totems carved in it and a place to tie a leather strap with beads and stones for decoration. (That idea is courtesy of my artisan sister.) I think it will be fun. I'll take pics of the finished product...yea right, like I'm getting pics of my lips and the trip to the Grand Canyon, yada yada yada....I do NOT have a digital camera yet so I have to schlep the camera into the store, wait for the development, go pick it up....the whole fill-in-your-favorte-Yiddish-word-for-pain-in-the-neck. Okay, must run to work....doing a night shift.

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