Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I returned home and what to my wondering eyes do appear, but 2 miniature dogs and some tiny reindeer...wait. Those aren't reindeer! Those are squeak toys. Destroyed squeak toys. The cushions of the couch have been manipulated and flipped over to keep the "kids" from jumping up there and...what?...what do they do up there? Lay on them? I guess that would be bad because THEY SMELL!!! No baths, no brushing...basically, I've returned to the movie "ANIMAL HOUSE". In the truest sense of the word...nice.

True, there was a huge vase of flowers in the middle of the dining room table. That was cute. The sheets had been laundered the night before...good thing. There was a piece of furniture in the living room that had previously been in the boy's room and that will be going BACK into the boy's room, now that the boy is that will change the look of the living room. Lots to throw away...lots to put away...lots to wade through...but more than anything, lots to DE-FUNK AND DE-SMELL. What the heck!!!!!

I know exactly how to solve this problem.

We're moving.



Here's my serious look...
And then here's the "real" look I'll be using....


Emmy said...

Where are your eyebrows in the first picture, Whoopi?

Daisy said...

Good luck with the cleaning, de-funktifying and making everything smell fresh. Glad you made it home safely. :-)

Eli Bowman said...

HAHAHA!!!! I was going to say the SAME thing Emily did. LOL

...but seriously...where did they go?

....(insert serious face here)

nancy said...

i totally didn't even notice the eyebrow thing. i was too focused on holding my nose.

:) said...

Do tell- Hemet huh?? We are moving too- right across the street from the lake- hope our offer gets excepted!! good luck with your move too! loves xoxo