Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today, 15 family members met at a local Asian buffet to celebrate birthdays that occur during the holidays. There are a LOT of holiday birthdays in this Jewish/Mormon/Irish family. Eight, to be exact...eight birthdays between December 12th and January 4th. Granted, twins celebrate on the 12th, but that doesn't matter. Also, my brother and I, who are less than a year apart, celebrate the brief time of the year that we are the same age, which was way more fun when we were kids...

I felt kind of bad for the restaurant. We were rather obnoxious. Four generations of us were there, including in-laws and out-laws. There was laughter, guilt, tears, food, photos, video, more laughter, seconds, thirds, nausea-the whole shebang.

Trouble was, it was Asian, so about an hour after it was over, I missed everybody again...




Blasé said...

"Trouble was, it was Asian, so about an hour after it was over, I missed everybody again..."

Obviously there is a pun, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.

The Katzbox said...

That's okay. I'm obtuse.

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

So is the saying 'You're hungry an hour after eating Asian food' true?

Sounds like you all had great fun. 8 birthdays? Oh my, that's a lot of party right there.
It was my mother's birthday yesterday. We had a small lunch/dinner celebration. We were obnoxious too. But to be honest, we always are a bit on the obnoxious side ;)

The Katzbox said...

Hey Dutch! That was the silly joke I was making but instead of being hungry again, I missed being with my family again....but Blase didn't get it...I was too obtuse.

:) :) :)

Happy birthday to your mama!

Anonymous said...

I got it! i got it right off the bat, but that's probably because my brain is as screwed up as yours! :)

Blasé said...
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Anonymous said...

blase, you sound angry with your comment about me and a gold medal. if you would re-read what i said in my original comment, you will notice that i said that the reason i "got it" was because i have a screwed up brain! i was not dissing anybody who DIDN'T get it -i was dissing myself.

Blasé said...
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Blasé said...
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Anonymous said...

i lower cased your name because i lower case everything.

The Katzbox said...

Blase, Nancy is a good friend of mine. Your comment came off as combative. Can you see how that could have happened?


Anonymous said...

thank you, debbie. :)