Today, we did castor oil poultices. This is where you saturate an area with organic castor oil (it has to be organic), and then wrap the area (her knees) in pure, clean, non-dyed, wool flannel without any synthetic anything in it. I leave it on for 30-40 minutes on each knee. I feel like a character out of a book when I apply old-timey treatments like this. Or maybe someone that is stuck in time and making the best of it. Sometimes I take it to the next level and develop a wise, home-style accent accompanied by an all-knowing wink. Soon, I will sport a large apron with pockets for when I fetch the morning's first offering of fresh eggs in the hen house.
I could pull it off too, if I wasn't typing about it on this here high techy computer thingy, dag burnit....

ha! Did it work!?
That picture really looks like she could be a relative of ours. . .shall I purchase a house dress?
Em I so had to take another look at the picture too. I so thought she was an auntie or maybe even a grandma. haha
You know what funny about all of this coming out now?! 70 years ago (or maybe longer...who really knows) we couldn't go to the store for an anti-inflammatory pill. You had trial and error. Sometimes it worked and sometime it didn't.
At times, when I'm really having a bad day, I think that I'm living when things were somewhat more simple. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel better. Cell memory or something.
Who are you people? I haven't had any comments for soooo long.....
I read it every night, but I am soooo tired that clicking on buttons exhausts me. . . you can feel sorry for me. I am totally accepting pity at this stage in my pregnancy. :)
I am also accepting pity at this stage in your pregnancy...
You should be! Whenever I am down, your workload triples! :)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH...oh man, I love you!
I pity you both...;)
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