Thursday, May 13, 2010


There is a site,, that maintains that a big one (somewhere between 7.2 and 8.2, averaging 7.7) is due anytime in southern California before May 16th. Today, the site posted pics of "earthquake clouds" over L.A. I drove to Anaheim today and it was a remarkably clear day for SoCal, so the clouds were quite pretty.

It's odd. People speak about "earthquake weather". I worked with a girl for years who, when we would walk, would look around occasionally and say, "Yea, this is earthquake weather today" and mean every word of it. It was typically more humid than normal (this was in the desert) with a lot of heat coming off the ground.

Well...we'll see. In the event of "the big one", I'll be contacting Eli in Ohio to let him know how we are. He'll be responsible for disseminating information to the rest of the family...'cause he has nothing else to do OR worry about.'re welcome....
The photo above is a pic of the "earthquake clouds" that occurred 2 days before the 6.8 earthquake in China. Hmmmmmmm


Eli Bowman said...

As Scar from The Lion King would say, "Be Prepaaaaaaaaared!"


The Katzbox said...

HHAHAHAHAHAH....Abby...I KNOW, right? It's so crazy...I have boxes everywhere. Peter and I (I'm assuming the boy will be on his mission) now have freeze-dried entrees for 6 months, and 3 months of freeze-dried fruits. I need more water and obviously more food. Hope you guys are still putting back some little Miss I-Live-In-Tornado-Central.


Jette said...

the pictures are crazy!! let's just pray that it won't be that bad where you are....okay?! CALL ME BY SUNDAY NIGHT!! love ya.

rachelsaysso said...

I don't really believe in "earthquake weather", I've been through enough to know that they hit at any time, but I know exactly what it feels like when people bring it up. It's that heat that swallows you up and muffles all the sound around you and the only thing moving are the heat waves coming off of the pavement. I think people say it's earthquake weather because that's how they feel, like things need to be shaken up.

What I do believe is that people who live in earthquake zones (us) should not be reading earthquake prediction sites. How can you stand it? I would be panicky every single day!

The Katzbox said...

Rachel, that makes sense. I've never heard it put that way. I'll consider it. I have to get used to all of this shifting under my feet. I'll still take a tornado any day, but I have to deal with where I am...