Wow! What a full weekend I've had. I didn't think anything would happen...but YOWSA, was I wrong or what!!!!
It started off sketchy. Thursday I was feeling sketchy and I thought, "Oh great. Here comes that intestinal flu I've managed to avoid for about a decade. I'll be vomiting up my soul by noon", but alas, nada....just some fatigue...YAY....so THAT was a gift!
On Friday, I went with Em and the kids to Disneyland, which, need I remind you, is "The Happiest Place On Earth" and where Clarkie had a complete temperamental melt-down. I thought, "Hey! You're not behaving in a happy fashion!", but that didn't seem to resonate with the child. So, when his mother walked away and left him with just moi, he snapped out of it BINGO and we resumed our normally scheduled programs. It was off to watch the live show of Aladdin. Yikkers, it was amazing, complete with a the happy couple singing while flying a magic carpet over our heads in the theater, gold confetti spitting out over the audience, realistic though quilted horses and an elephant being ridden through the audience...let's just say, there were no bad seats...
And then we went to "A Bug's Life", where everything is super big, so that you feel like you're the size of a bug. I LOVED it. In place of grass, they've planted leafy bamboo. The lights are made of huge straws with fireflies on the top shining light through their....umm....hinder sections...
We went on a couple of rides there, bought some cotton candy and discovered that my mature, well-grounded, very put-together daughter can eat two packages of the pink stuff by herself if left to her own devices....yep! She's a chip off the ol' block...I couldn't be prouder...
We then took a jungle cruise and the captain was hysterical. We passed the Temple of Doom and she said, "There's Indiana Jones trying to get the secret treasure out of the Temple of Doom...little does he know I am right here..."
We then went on the Pirates of the Caribbean...oh my gosh....it was fantabulous...warm, watery, dramatic, colorful, and that was just our seats in the boat!!! J/K. It really was great and an added boon?....it smelled like bleach, which is a big winner to me. I love the smell of chlorine bleach. If Disney had a ride called "Bleach, spray starch, and Comet", I would live there.
(By the way, does anyone remember when the cleanser "Comet" was called "Dutch Cleanser"?)
Before we left the park, we took the kids to the bathroom to change into their PJs and brush their teeth because they go right to bed when they arrive home-asleep... Anyway, I was waiting for the three to come out of the stall and a little boy was crawling along the floor underneath the stall door. He didn't care about germs, he was at Disneyland and he was having fun. He was even smiling as he was doing it. His mother, a tall, extreme-looking woman, sternly said, "Hey, that's disgusting. Stand up right now and come over here this instant." You notice a lot of exhausted Mommies and Daddies after dark (typically). Anyway, she saw that I noticed him so, out of habit, I smiled at the child and then smiled at her. It was an I'm-not-judging-you-as-a-parent-cause-kids-will-be-kids-smile. And then I turned away. Emily came out at that point and noticed the woman staring at me. Em hadn't seen the boy or anything up to that point. It took a few minutes to get Mae's teeth brushed and her hands washed, etc, and Em whispered, "Why is that woman looking at you like that?" I said, "Is she's looking at me kind of intently?"
Em said, "Yea, is she mad at you? What did you do?" .....nice......
I explained what had happened and Em says, "She's still looking at you. I'm getting creeped out."
"Why? Does she appear armed?"
"Okay, now I'm really creeped out"
So, I said to forget it, which of course, she didn't and we made our way out of that restroom, looking behind us the entire way. It was THAT odd. Em said her look was one of "I know that woman from somewhere and it's killing me and I'm going to stare at her until one of us figures it out!"....kind of thing. I don't know...very interesting tho....
Well. I'm out of room. The rest of the weekend was sweet also. Dinner with Peter to celebrate the end of last quarter followed by a video at home (Happy Accidents-an older indie film) and today was Church (always great), followed by a live production of an original musical on Easter called, "A Ransom For Many". Very beautiful.
wow, what a weekend! i feel like i was there, too!
did you ever figure out the creepy lady? poor little boy.....that creepy lady is HIS mom!
Never did....weird, eh?
That was a fun day. . . creepy lady and all. My favorite part all of it was that we were totally laughing about it while walking to the car, looking behind our back! Hah! Paranoid AND happy! Yay!
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