Monday, August 31, 2009


Today, my daughter had to use my car while I babysat her children. My car's air conditioner is broken...and did I mention that it's been unseasonably hot this past week and a half? I mean HOT! in 105 degrees. Sure, the humidity has been under 20, but still, it's 105.

Also, my keys are heavy. Something I didn't realize. But they are. And when you get out of the car, you have to schlep them around with you when you get out of the car. Just cause...

Also, my daughter was driving my car during rush hour...while shopping and doing errands...

When she finally returned home (we found her on the front porch, drenched in sweat, loaded down with packages), she wasn't exactly what one would call "exuberant". She glared at me and all she said was..."your car...." and while handing me my keys said, "and these weigh a ton...".

So! After realizing that my poor daughter, who is used to traveling in a very comfy and clean, orderly car, with very functional air conditioning, had been through the mill and had, apparently dropped several kingdoms (just kidding), I realized that I must be celestial...because I don't cave into road rage given the conditions I drive in...especially during the 118 degrees I was used to driving in before I moved...yessir....I can hear the angelic choirs from here....or maybe that's just my daughter getting her back rubbed from her loving husband.....



Emmy said...


the lesser one.

Anonymous said...

i think i. hate. your. keys. too.

plus - i. think. i. hate. your. whole. car.

i. also. think. emily. is. the. one. who's. celestial.

but. i. guess. you. too. deb.


The Katzbox said...

Yes. Calling myself celestial actually drops me down into outer darkness, so it's a draw. :)

Emmy said...

I say we stick together, no matter where we end up. .. but, you and I know where we'll end up. :)