Sunday, April 12, 2009


The Elders just left. You know, the 19-year-old missionaries that spend two years away from family and friends and girlfriends to go wherever in the world they're sent and do things for other people and only other people until they go home. They had Easter dinner with the hubs and I. Little Eli had dinner with his older brudder, so it was just the four of us. I thought I would play "Jewish Mother" and throw a little food from the "homeland" into the mix. These young men are just that-YOUNG. And being from Utah, typically they're "right off the farm" and not exposed to a lot of the world and I suppose that includes some of the ethnic foods that are available. I went easy on them...believe me...

So, in addition to some user-friendly baked chicken (okay, I sprinkled some cumin on there...what could it hurt?), and some nice, easy rice, we had matzoh ball soup, gefilte fish, chopped liver and matzoh crackers (for the unleavened bread). I told you I went easy....

They were very polite (as all Elders are) and ate a smidgen of of the Elders didn't even attempt the chopped liver...and all had a good time. I explained some of the customs of the traditional Seder and they listened because they're polite (as all Elders are)...and then we set up the computer at the table and watched a slide show, as one of the elders showed us photos of his vacation to London and Paris he took with his mother before his mission...because we're polite.

It was a nice, easy Easter. I have to keep it nice and easy, because if I let the real message and meaning of the day overtake me, I'll break apart. And I think I've broken apart so much lately on this blog, I probably should try to hold it together a bit...

So, I hope the day was a beautiful day for all of my family and friends who worship in their various houses of faith...I hope you were spiritually nourished and for me and my house, we rejoiced in the resurrected Christ...and the company of our Elders....whom He sent...


Emmy said...

Yes, it was a lovely Easter. And, I can't blame that Elder at ALL! Yelch. I hate liver. .. but, I love you. I am just not as polite as he was. :) LOVE YOU!
p.s. I updated my blog! How about THAT!?

Anonymous said...

your dinner sounds yummy, minus the liver. i think everyone seems to be in agreement about the liver, deb.

your Easter also sounds wonderful, as was ours.
