Stephen got a ice-cream sandwich as part of his dinner and Kathryn ate about 400 mini candy bars-I'm stunned that she's sitting in one place...Bravo baby girl!. My niece, Tiffany, and her hubby are visiting her Greek in-laws. I hope they stay out late enough to feel that they truly got away for the evening. I ate one of her bananas. And I'm using her wireless network to do some homework...and this. I don't knit or crochet, or bake cookies. I do rock in a rocking chair...I have THAT going for far as being a GREAT Aunt goes....
And adding the word "Great" to the title just because we're one generation removed adds pressure, in my not-so-humble opinion. What if the kids think I'm just an average Aunt...once removed? What then? Then, when introducing me at their wedding, they'll be forced (by honesty) to say, "This is my Great Aunt Dee Dee, but truth be told, she's really just sort of average, so this is my average aunt, once removed". That's a mouth full and will take up all sorts of valuable time better spent dancing at their reception. I can't take that kind of pressure.
Poor kids.
Nothing about you is average, mom. ..
Everything about you EXTRAordinary - a wonderful kind of extraordinary!
Love you too honey...and miss you
Ugh. Miss you!!!! Waaaahhhh!!!
The C&O Express shoud call you their Extraordinary Mother instead of Grandmother.'s either that or Grandiosemother.
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