This is Eli and I. He's a handsome kid, ain't he? I think he looks a little like a young Robert Downey Jr. Just a skosh. And he's funny and way talented. He can play the piano like a dream. Can't read a lick of music. Self taught. Really incredible.
This is a pic of Peter and I...doesn't Pete look happy? No. He looks ridiculous. And do you notice the little, brown scrunched up face smashed in between our faces? Yes, that would be Eli's. These are the two men I live with...24/7. Like I stand a smidgeon of a chance at normalcy.
Yea, that's better....
Eli said, "Look surprised!" and then we snapped the picture. Except for Peter, who thinks "Look surprised!" means "appear to NOT be a part of what the rest of your family is doing".
Eli said, "Puffer fish" and we snapped the picture. Except for Peter, who thought "Puffer fish" meant "smile in a cheesy manner".
Eli said, "Bulldog!" and we snapped the picture. Except for Peter, who thought "Bulldog" meant to "continue to smile in a cheesy manner".
Eli said, "Attitude!" and we snapped the picture. Except for Peter who thought "Attitude!" meant, "Is that Cassie's car coming down the street?"
Eli said, "The Thinker" and we snapped the picture. Except for Peter who thought, "I think my chin is right HERE".
And thus ended our time with Eli on his last Homecoming night his senior year of high school....ahhhhhhh, the memories.......
cute. fun. cute and fun. cute and fun, fun, fun. :)
you, my friend, are cuter all the time.
Aw shucks. But yea, little Eli is way cute and fun. I guess those are the operable words here. So thanks to both of you. Really.
Mom and I are on the phone right now laughing our heads off! We want to party with you and Eli but ESPECIALLY Peter!
Oh my gosh Michelle, I wish you were here TO party with us...but the beauty of Peter is that he totally, 100% CLUELESS that he is funny...he is completely UNINTENTIONALLY funny and that is what makes him funny. I've never ever in all my days seen anything like it. He is mystified when I break out laughing...totally clueless, that's what he is.
Aren't they all?
Amen, Michelle!! Hey, why don't we all party?! We can all bunk at my place, go to Disneyland the beach. . .PULEASE, don't get me started at how much fun we would have. I, of course, would need a nanny that week. I can't pull those all-nighters like you guys!
I have no idea what's going on...
...where am I?
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