That's a question that John Tesh poses to people periodically and he claims it stops them in their tracks. I'm reading his new book, "Intelligence For Your Life". I think this can be a complicated answer for members of the Church...or am I just complicating it more than I need to? (A distinct possibility.)
I mean, for Saints, our deepest desire, the motivating purpose of our mortal journey is to be worthy to attain (and maintain) an eternal family for...well....eternity. That single idea focuses our attention and influences everything we say, do, and think. It impacts our decisions and we use our gift of free will to return home to a Heavenly Family and eternal joy. This is our purpose in life. So, outside of that...and don't get all nazi-mormon on me and say, "YOU CAN'T STEP OUTSIDE OF THAT, YOU'RE WICKED AND EVIL, REPENT!!!"....just take your meds and find another blog to read, okay von-Scooter?
Outside of that, while we're here in mortality, what are we doing? I'll quote Tesh as he defines the deepest desire of one's heart, because it's tricky...
"We are all born with our own personal desires, but a great many of us spend our lives denying those desires and instead go with what the world would have us do. Or maybe we just eventually give up and distract (or drown) ourselves in video games, text messaging, shopping, food, alcohol, or some other self-medicating habit...
What is that one thing, when you are doing it, that causes you to lose track of time? What do you do that gives you great pleasure and a sense of purpose without regard to monetary reward?" (italics added)
I would really appreciate some feedback here...I know you get on my blog and read my words...I can even tell what city you're from...thanks "Feedjit", but I would really and truly enjoy your responses...not just to this post, but to any and all of my posts (thanks for the prompt frizzlefry)'s my connection to friends. Many of you are regulars and I appreciate you and thank you for your I need the rest of you....pppplllleeeaassseeee.
So, here, while I'm trying desperately to get everything arranged to start this maddening, hectic, graduate curriculum figured out and kicked into gear, -what, pray tell, are some of the deepest desires of your hearts?
I know for a fact that I love connecting with a person heart to heart or spirit to spirit and I can do that by teaching. I love sharing information in a way that grabs someone by their brain, popping their eyes wide open, and then watching their ego dance around the hole created by the piercing of all those increasing IQ points...hehheh I love that graphic...oh, I'm a sick puppy....
So share, por favor....much love...
I really love experimenting with unknown results, performing, getting immersed in a good novel, going to the movies, camping, sitting by a fire pit with family & friends, being with my wife, good food, traveling, etc...
These things make me lose track of time.
...notice work, money, fame, and success aren't in there...In reality I just don't care about those things. I do them because I have to. But then again, who doesn't?
There is a book called "Sacred Choices" you would like. It is all about what we say to ourselves in order to "fit into" the tribe. Much of the time, those cultural traditions define us and hold us back rather than bring us closer to God.
My personal desire is to travel the world with my kids and show them how others live. So they can both understand their blessings and bless the lives of others.
I have thought a lot about this - there is a part of me that really wants to have land and a garden and live off the land. . . I have NO IDEA where that comes from, but it is so appealing to me. I wish i looked good in flowy dresses - seems to go with it all. :)
I know I used to have an answer to this, but it's been so long I can't remember it....Hmmm...I really love teaching (adults who are interested by what I am saying, not antsy children or surly teen-agers). I love travel, writing, having an adventure, laughing with friends. I don't know if I've hit upon just the thing that is tickling the back of my brain. I will have to think some more about this. It bears thinking about.
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